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適用年齡: 初生至4 (初生-105cm)

安裝方式: ISOFIX及支撐腳
產品重量: 15公斤
產品尺寸: (H)48cm x (W)44cm x (D)74cm
支撐腳尺寸: 27-52.5cm

符合歐盟 ECE R129 標準


1) 360度旋轉座椅: 可輕鬆將座椅設定為前向或後向,而無需重新安裝。另外,可以將座椅轉到向著的汽車的開著的門,方便抱起或放置繫緊孩子。

2) 可調節的回彈桿: 不僅有助於防止兒童汽車安全座椅在撞擊時傾斜,還可以調節整個角度。這使您可以輕鬆地將回彈桿調整至汽車座椅靠背,並為您的孩子提供10%的額外腿部空間。

3) 出色的側面碰撞保護功能: 可讓您的孩子遠離撞擊,同時吸收撞擊能量。

4) Britax R?mer Pivot Link ISOFIX系統: 可在事故發生時將撞擊衝力引導向下至汽車座椅,然後更輕柔地引導向前,大大降低了孩子頭部和頸部受傷的風險。

5) 延長後向使用時間: 路上最常見的事故類型是發生正面碰撞,向後設置的汽車安全座椅在發生正面碰撞時,碰撞力會被引導向座椅的後部,而其餘的能量則均勻地分佈在其他部份。延長向後設置的的汽車安全座椅時間可為兒童提供最佳保護

6) 多傾斜位置: 可讓您的孩子在旅途中保持舒適。

7) 較深的保護性側翼: 可充當保護屏障,有助於吸收來自側面撞擊的力,從而減少傷害孩子的風險。

8) V型頭枕: 專為控制孩子的頭部的活動而設計,在側面碰撞的情況下,它可確保提供最佳保護,同時提供最大的舒適感。

9) 柔軟高性能的胸腔保護墊: 新設計的胸前柔墊有助於在發生碰撞時減少孩子的移動,令五點式安全帶更舒適。
10) 五點式安全帶: 是將孩子固定在汽車安全座椅上的最安全方法,因為它可以使孩子在安全座椅的保護殼內保持安全和緊繃。
11) 高度可調的支撐腳: 可通過汽車地板為汽車座椅提供額外的穩定性。它最大程度地減少了傾斜和旋轉運動,並減小了在碰撞情況下施加在孩子身上的向前動力,從而有助於保護他們。
12) 易拆式椅套: 可以輕鬆地卸下和安裝,並且可以快速清理
13) 可吸收衝擊力的初生墊: 經過專門設計,可為小嬰兒提供額外的舒適感和支撐力,並使他們能夠以舒適,符合人體工程學的姿勢平躺。


1) 360 degree rotation

The 360 degree rotation makes it easy to move the seat from rearward to forward facing and back without re-installing the seat. Plus, the seat can be turned to the open door of a parked car for easy placement and harnessing of your child.

2) Adjustable rebound bar

The rebound bar not only helps to prevent the child car seat from tilting in an impact, but can also be adjusted by an entire 8 degrees. This allows you to easily adjust the rebound bar to the backrest of the vehicle seat and gives your child 10% of additional leg space.

3) Superior Side Impact Protection

The integrated SICT inside offers your child superior protection in the event of a side collision. SICT inside keeps your child away from the impact while absorbing energy at the same time.

4) The Britax R?mer Pivot Link ISOFIX System

In case of an impact, our patented Pivot Link ISOFIX System directs the force first downward (i), into the vehicle seat, and then forward (ii), more gently – greatly reducing the risk of head and neck injury for your child.

5) Extended rearward facing

Rearward facing car seats offer the best protection in the event of a frontal collision – the most frequent type of accident on the roads. In a frontal collision with a rearward facing seat the crash forces are directed to the back of the seat, while the remaining energy is spread evenly across the head, neck and upper body. We recommend that children should travel rearward facing for as long as possible.

6) Multi-recline positions

This seat was designed with multiple recline positions, forward and rearward facing, that you can adjust with ease – offering a stress-free journey with a happy child.

7) Deep, protective side wings

Our soft, padded side wings act as a protective cocoon that helps to absorb the force from a side impact, reducing the risk of injuries to your child.

8) V-shaped headrest

Specially designed to control the movement of your child’s head, our V-shaped headrest ensures optimal protection in the event of a side collision while providing ultimate comfort at the same time.

9) Soft neoprene performance chest pads

Our new, soft neoprene performance chest pads fit comfortably on your child’s chest. They help reduce your child’s movement in the event of a collision, and add even greater comfort to the 5-point harness.

10) 5-point harness

We believe a 5-point harness is the safest way to secure your child in a car seat because it keeps your child safe and tight in the seat’s protective shell.

11) Height adjustable support leg

The support leg provides extra stability for the car seat via the vehicle floor. It minimises the tilting and rotational movement and reduces the forward movement forces exerted on your child in a crash situation, helping to protect them.

12) Quick-remove cover

The machine washable seat cover can easily be taken off without removing the harness, so you can clean up quick

13) Newborn Cushion Absorb Impact

The newborn cushion can absorb collision impact. It is also specially designed to provide extra comfort and support for small babies and enable them to lie flat in a comfortable and ergonomic posture.



在您孩子生命的頭四年中,身高可達約52厘米。這意味著到四歲時。在此期間,DUALFIX i-SIZE提供了持續的舒適感。向前和向後具有12個斜躺姿勢,其中包括符合人體工程學用於新生兒的平躺姿勢,以及用於「較大」小孩的伸展腿部空間。這意味著您孩子一生的前1500天都將獲得最大的舒適度。


4 years, 200 weeks, 1500 days, 1 car seat – constantly comfortable

During the first four years of your child’s life, they grow approximately 52 cm. DUALFIX i-SIZE provides constant comfort during this time. With 12 recline positions forward and rearward facing, including an ergonomically flat lying position for a newborn and extended leg space for your “big” little one. This means ultimate comfort for the first 1500 days of your child’s life.



您孩子的安全是我們的重中之重。因此,在安全性方面沒有任何妥協。Britax的內部標準比當前標準ECE R129(i-Size)的標準更高。 DUALFIX i-SIZE配備了許多創新的安全功能:例如,內部的優化側撞保護SICT設計是通過座椅內的特殊鋼料元件實現。Britax獲得專利的Pivot Link ISOFIX系統,可以確保您的孩子在每次無論是從正面,側面還是背面發生的碰撞事故中都得到很好的保護。


Reassuring safety – every day

Your child’s safety is our top priority. That’s why there are no compromises when it comes to safety. Our internal standards are more demanding than those of the current standard ECE R129 (i-Size). DUALFIX i-SIZE has been equipped with a large number of innovative safety features: for example the optimised side impact protection SICT inside, implemented by a special steel element inside the seat. Or our patented Pivot Link ISOFIX System. This ensures that your child is well protected in every accident, whether it is from the front, from the side or from the back.





Quality – Made in Germany

Keeping all children safe is the engine that drives us every day. To guarantee the highest quality we keep the whole product development process under one roof – from the initial idea to the finished product. And we set our standards higher than those required by law and carry out regular tests for our car seats in our state-of-the-art crash test facility . That’s how we ensure that your child’s safety is always in the best hands.


BRITAX ROEMER DualFix i-Size Car Seat 360度旋轉上落初生至4歲汽車座椅

HK$6,280.00 Regular Price
HK$5,024.00Sale Price
Colour 顏色
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